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Full Version: Pedal action option request
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Would please consider adding an option to the selection of pedal action options to have one pedal start/stop [manual] scrolling and the second pedal to activate the link at the repeat symbol where the link mark is [manual scroll/activate link]? I presently use the built in timed scroll, in landscape mode, and the pedal to activate the link [2 page music pdf] which works but is clumsy. I've tried most of the various combinations available and nothing else works.
I am using the paid version on a Asus tf700 with a Cicada bluetooth pedal if that helps.
My goal is to allow actions to be programmed to any pedal press. This is going to be implemented very soon. With this in mind, you will be able to assign start/stop scroll to one pedal, and activate link point to the other. I'll get it added in an update as soon as I can.

Thank you.