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Full Version: Display Options: Same option displayed twice
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I'using german (system default) language.

Under Optionen|Anzeige Optionen I found

Display Halvdelen side i Landskab


Halbe Seitenwechsel im Querformat.

I think this are the same options first seams to be in nordic (danish?) language.

I think the two options you are referring to are slightly different. There is a "Display half pages in Landscape" which determines whether, in landscape orientation, pages are split in half or not. There is a separate setting that determines whether MobileSheets will only advance half a page at a time in landscape, or whether it will always go to the next page when you tap to turn.



Ok, but than this Parameter should appear translated in to german.

If I switch to english both options appears in english; maybe only the translation for german is missing; I did not try other languages.

Can you help provide the proper translation?



I will try:

"Display Halvdelen side i Landskab"

"Zeige halbe Seite im Querformat"

Comment for this option:

"Zeigt halbe Seite im Querformat und erlaubt das Auf- und Abwärts-Scrollen."

There is another Option not translated into german language:

"Hide the Navigation bar"

"Navigationsleiste verstecken"

Comment for this option:

"Versteckt die Navigationsleiste, die dann durch eine Wischgeste vom oberen oder unteren Bildschirmrand eingeblendet wird."
