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Full Version: How to turn 1 200 page pdf into multiple pdfs to import into Mobile Sheets??
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Original poster wrote:

I wrote a program to do this, too, specifically for Mobile Sheets

My Question:

I"m new to Mobile Sheets and  and a Android Tablet.   I understood that it will work on an Android tablet, the .msi file will not load.    Do I have it wrong  will it work with  the Android table?
MSI means "Microsoft Installer", a common setup format.
Real%20Book%20Extractor-1.4.0.msi is a setup for a program that must be installed and run on a Windows PC.
The steps on describe a method (to be executed on a Windows PC) to split a large PDF into many single-song PDFs. Step 3. uses Mobile Sheets Companion (still on the PC) to transfer the created single song PDFs to the tablet.
I don't do it this way, I leave my fakebooks complete and use MSPs CSV import and its capability to pick the pages that a song needs directly from the large fakebook PDF.
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