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One 'issue' I've come up with since using MS quite a lot, is that I sometimes want different tempos for songs in different gigs. For example, dance tempos are usually slower than I would play a song if I was just performing it.

So, would is be possible to introduce multiple tempo settings for a song? Presumably a dropdown or similar to select which tempo you want?

Also, while I'm here, I'd like to +1 the request to put the tempo(s) in the add/edit song screen.

It sounds like a solution for this could be to store a "tempo override" as part of a set list. That way, a song can still have a default tempo, but you could modify it as needed for a set.
I can already change the tempo for a particular set, but the next time I add that song to a set list I would still have to worry about changing tempos.
I can absolutely add this. I've put it on my list for a future update.
Cool, thanks Mike!

Another idea for rehearsal or just studying passages could be an option to change the speed of the metronome. If it were possible to set 1) a tempo for starting the metronom,  2) a "target tempo" which keeps on constantly playing when reached and  3) sort of "increase steps (x BPM every y beat)" to define how fast the increase of speed should be.