My phone just got the update. I expect when I turn on my tablet I use for MS (and basically nothing else), it might ask if I want to do the update.
I have a gig tomorrow.
Anyone having MS on a tablet with Android 6.0.1.
Having a gig tomorrow I would definitely postpone any updates (be it MSP or Android) to next week.
Have fun with a successful gig!
(06-04-2016, 12:55 AM)itsme Wrote: [ -> ]Having a gig tomorrow I would definitely postpone any updates (be it MSP or Android) to next week.
Have fun with a successful gig!
Yep, probably good idea.
Sometimes I seem to sort of stumble into updates (and they get installed sort of inadvertantly). Luckily I have not had problems.
But I will hold off on this one.
If you update to Android 6.0, there are several things that you need to be aware of:
1) If you are using an external SD card, Android 6.0 changes the paths to external SD cards. This breaks all of the file paths used by MobileSheetsPro. The only way I can easily fix this is if I switch from using absolute paths in the database to using relative paths (relative to the storage location, which only works if you don't manage files yourself). If you upgrade to 6.0 and experience this issue, the database file itself needs to be updated. This is quite easy to fix with a sql query, but this is too advanced for most users, so I may have to come up with a utility to fix this for people.
2) Some permissions are no longer granted to applications in 6.0 without users manually approving this. This affects MobileSheetsPro because the "Storage" and "Contacts" permissions are no longer granted. This breaks the apps ability to read/write files and use Google Drive (which requires the contacts permissions). To fix this, users have to go to their tablet settings, view the apps, find MobileSheetsPro, tap Permissions, and then provide those two permissions. I'm going to be updating the code to request these permissions in the future so that this step isn't necessary, but if you update right now, you may encounter this.
All very good reasons to hold off any updating until you have a few days when you won't need MSP.