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Full Version: Metronome color "accent first beat"
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Hi Mike

According to the documentation (p88/89), the example says that when "Accent First Beat" is set, the first LED should be Orange and the others should be Blue.

I just get blue ones! (I'm using visual only)


That's an error in the documentation. I'm going through the manual right now and making updates/changes, so I will fix that. With the LED display mode, there is no need for the first LED to be colored differently as it's obvious that it's the first beat (unlike the circle or glow options).

That's a shame; I was hoping it would go to orange to emphasise the change and then revert to blue when the 2nd led shows.
(I don't like the way it always sits there just staring at me!)

I expect I'll get used to it after a bit
