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I was checking on some old mobilesheets.db and right now I only can do it by swapping out the db in MSP and view it in the app.

I have no idea if others have a need for is and if it's difficult to implement, but since we have now the option to have multiple databases and also maybe the need to 
look into some backup or sync-conflicting dbs more easily and we already have a viewing option for backups in the companion:

Is it much work to provide a simple db viewing capability so you can load mobilesheets.db (or any other db in MSP format) into 
the companion and view it (read-only)?
I could utilize the existing View/Extract Backup dialog to view a database file if that is all you need. 

Well, that's all I asked for. And I'm happy if there's not too much work involved.
Looks like a good idea and a useful feature (if it's not too much effort)