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Full Version: MobileSheets and MobileSheetsPro v2.6.8 Released
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I have released another round of updates for MobileSheetsPro (Android) and submitted the update to Microsoft for approval for MobileSheets (Windows 10). These updates mainly address a few minor bugs. The change list is as follows:

Common Changes
  • Fixed bug with transposing when the display localization is set to German
  • Fixed bug where the test MIDI button was displayed while setting up MIDI actions
  • Fixed bug with the clock display that caused it to overlap the overlay when using the vertical scrolling display mode
  • Fixed bug when adding songs using the overlay setlist window that incorrectly adds the song's audio track to the current track list
MobileSheetsPro v2.6.8 (Android)
  • Fixed bug with test MIDI button not working
MobileSheets v2.6.8 (Windows 10)
  • Fixed issue where pressing on a smart button and then scrolling a little would result in the button not triggering correctly and could break automatic scrolling
  • Added Portguese as a supported language
  • Fixed a few MIDI connection issues and extended the connection timeout period to 10 seconds
I'm now going to focus backĀ on the upcoming annotations rework.
