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Full Version: New User - Managing Filters
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Hi - New user. 

1)  Is there a way to turn off (i.e. remove or hide) search fields that I don't use...e.g. "Rating" and "Difficulty?"
2) I did see a "Manage Filters" menu selection in the "Search" bar area.  It does not seem to do anything?  Could not find a reference to "Manage Filters" in the manual or in the forum.

I did search through the forum and could not find answers to these questions.

I am running the Android app version 2.9.6 on a Chromebook.

It's not possible to remove just the search bar, but you can certainly hide the entire filters section by tapping the filters icon in the floating toolbar at the bottom right corner of the library screen. It's not possible to configure which fields are removed at the moment, but I plan to change the design of the filters so that they are placed in a pullout window from the left side of the screen. Once they are aligned vertically, it will be easy for me to allow them to be added/removed/reordered as needed. The current design wouldn't really support letting the user choose whatever fields they wanted.

The "Manage Filters" option lets you manage filters you have saved. If you set up the filters you like, tap the save icon, and then you will see that if you go to Manage Filters, that entry will be there. You can swap between saved filters using the folder icon.
