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Full Version: Font Size Changes When Moving Annotation
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Hey, Mike,

Sorry, I have another annotation-related issue (again, may be user error).

When I "select" a text annotation to move, sometimes it moves when I move my finger but other times it ends up changing the size of the font.

I don't seem to have much control of which one it is going to do (so I get frustrated that it is changing the size of the font (usually making it smaller) instead of allowing me to move the text where I want it).



If your finger is touching any of the corners of the text annotation, it's grabbing one of the resize handles and that will cause the font to enlarge/shrink. If you tap in the center of the text and drag, it should never resize. 

(05-10-2021, 04:10 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: [ -> ]Jeff,

If your finger is touching any of the corners of the text annotation, it's grabbing one of the resize handles and that will cause the font to enlarge/shrink. If you tap in the center of the text and drag, it should never resize. 


Thanks, Mike.