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Full Version: Bugreport?: Problem with Transposing Chord pro
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I think there is a problem with tranpose in Chord-Pro files: Chords in the "grid-environment" are not transposed at all.

Bug or feature? Or am I making a mistake?

Best Regards,
I don't currently support chord grids in MobileSheets (that's something I've been wanting to add for a while). Is that what you are referring to when you say, "grid-environment"? 

@Mike: ChordPro has a grid environment for chord grids, e.g.

| A . . . | B . . . | C . D . |


@topse: Chord grids are not yet supported by MSPro.
Hi Mike,
Hi sciurius,

OK -- then its not a bug, but its also not a feature :-)

Thanks for clarification,