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Companion Pro Problems
After successfully using MobileSheets Pro for about 6 months, I'm experiencing severe problems with the Companion 2.4.9 update, similar to the problems reported by 'Psychotronic'.   While adding a new song via the companion, the database on the tablet is wiped out from both the tablet and the PC.  I did not have a backup of the Library (I do now!), so I lost all the songs, set lists, etc.  Luckily, I have a directory of PDFs on the PC, and copied the songs onto the tablet using a thumb drive and USB.  The next day after my gig, and after backing up the library, I started trying to figure out what is happening, and ran into the same problem!  I tried using the companion to remove some extra files from the tablet.  The PC became unresponsive and appeared to freeze.  I left it for about three minutes, and it unlocked with an error on the tablet, complaining about the library database.  After disconnecting the tablet, the database was gone on both machines.  
Again I copied the PDF files using USB, then removed the companion, and reinstalled with a fresh copy from your website.  At first the Companion refused to  install on the PC, giving me a 1303 Error, stating that I was not the administrator on the PC.  This is not correct.  I was able to install from the file by using the 'run as administrator' function.  I am now back to having no files on the tablet.  Can you provide a version of the Companion prior to 2.4.9, and I'll see if that works?  
Here's my environment:
PC - HP desktop, running Windows 7 Pro (64 bit), 6 GB RAM, MS Pro Companion 2.4.9
Tablet - Samsung Galaxy View, Android 5.1.1, MobileSheets Version 1.6.3 from GogglePlay

Bob Williams

Samsung Galaxy View 18"
I try to keep the companion app installers archived here: http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/archive/

It looks like I missed 2.4.8 but you should be able to try earlier versions that are still compatible. I'm really sorry you've run into all these issues though. I wish I knew why that was happening, but I haven't been able to reproduce any issues on my device. As a side note, remember that if the database disappears, you can easily restore it under Settings->Backup and Restore->Restore Automatic Database Backup. You don't need to restore a full backup or do anything else, as all of your song files are still in place, it's just the database that got corrupted.
(10-25-2016, 02:41 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I try to keep the companion app installers archived here: http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/archive/

It looks like I missed 2.4.8 but you should be able to try earlier versions that are still compatible.  I'm really sorry you've run into all these issues though. I wish I knew why that was happening, but I haven't been able to reproduce any issues on my device.  As a side note, remember that if the database disappears, you can easily restore it under Settings->Backup and Restore->Restore Automatic Database Backup. You don't need to restore a full backup or do anything else, as all of your song files are still in place, it's just the database that got corrupted.

Downloaded the 2.4.7 companion, and still get the attached installation error, when it is creating folders.  I cannot get it to install, even using the 'Run as Admin' feature.

Attached Files
.docx   error..docx (Size: 36.84 KB / Downloads: 0)
(10-25-2016, 04:34 AM)RHW413 Wrote:
(10-25-2016, 02:41 AM)Zuberman Wrote: I try to keep the companion app installers archived here: http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/archive/

It looks like I missed 2.4.8 but you should be able to try earlier versions that are still compatible.  I'm really sorry you've run into all these issues though. I wish I knew why that was happening, but I haven't been able to reproduce any issues on my device.  As a side note, remember that if the database disappears, you can easily restore it under Settings->Backup and Restore->Restore Automatic Database Backup. You don't need to restore a full backup or do anything else, as all of your song files are still in place, it's just the database that got corrupted.

Downloaded the 2.4.7 companion, and still get the attached installation error, when it is creating folders.  I cannot get it to install, even using the 'Run as Admin' feature.

Had to turn the UAC completely off to get it to install!  Still seeing the same problem - the database is being restored after attempts to update using the Companion.
If the issue is a connection problem, you can give the USB connection option a try, otherwise if it's a software problem between the tablet and companion, I can test out your library if you want. I'll just need a backup file from you and then I can try performing the same actions as you.
Backup file sent via Dropbox link.
I also noticed that the Companion stop responding (with that notation at the top).  On other programs, the Task Manager is used to cancel the task, but that seems to leave the database in an unusable state that has to be restored.
I just responded to your email. The backup file appears to have some issues.
After restoring the partial backup, I connected to the companion app, added songs, deleted songs, added setlists, changed setlists, added genres, added/removed songs from various groups and editing existing songs without seeing a single error of any kind. So I have to assume the problems you are seeing are either related to the network connection, your PC, or to something different about that device. Hopefully it has nothing to do with Windows 7 as I'm running Windows 10. Can you try installing Kies 3 from Samsung's site http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/kies, enable USB debugging on your device, and then try to connect the companion to the tablet using USB? I just want to rule out problems related to networking. To enable the USB connection in the companion app, go to Settings->Enable Advanced Connection Settings, and then choose Connection->Connect using USB. Also make sure to tap the USB icon on the tablet sync screen.
(10-26-2016, 05:24 AM)Zuberman Wrote: After restoring the partial backup, I connected to the companion app, added songs, deleted songs, added setlists, changed setlists, added genres, added/removed songs from various groups and editing existing songs without seeing a single error of any kind. So I have to assume the problems you are seeing are either related to the network connection, your PC, or to something different about that device.  Hopefully it has nothing to do with Windows 7 as I'm running Windows 10.  Can you try installing Kies 3 from Samsung's site http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/kies, enable USB debugging on your device, and then try to connect the companion to the tablet using USB? I just want to rule out problems related to networking.  To enable the USB connection in the companion app, go to Settings->Enable Advanced Connection Settings, and then choose Connection->Connect using USB.  Also make sure to tap the USB icon on the tablet sync screen.

Update - I could never get the USB connection to work, so I tried rebooting everything WiFi, and then reloading the Companion from your site.  That seems to have solved my problems,  Plus I learned to create my own backup of the library!  Thanks for your help.
Bob Williams

Samsung Galaxy View 18"
(11-14-2016, 08:42 AM)RHW413 Wrote:
(10-26-2016, 05:24 AM)Zuberman Wrote: After restoring the partial backup, I connected to the companion app, added songs, deleted songs, added setlists, changed setlists, added genres, added/removed songs from various groups and editing existing songs without seeing a single error of any kind. So I have to assume the problems you are seeing are either related to the network connection, your PC, or to something different about that device.  Hopefully it has nothing to do with Windows 7 as I'm running Windows 10.  Can you try installing Kies 3 from Samsung's site http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/app/kies, enable USB debugging on your device, and then try to connect the companion to the tablet using USB? I just want to rule out problems related to networking.  To enable the USB connection in the companion app, go to Settings->Enable Advanced Connection Settings, and then choose Connection->Connect using USB.  Also make sure to tap the USB icon on the tablet sync screen.

Update - I could never get the USB connection to work, so I tried rebooting everything WiFi, and then reloading the Companion from your site.  That seems to have solved my problems,  Plus I learned to create my own backup of the library!  Thanks for your help.

One month later, the same problems are coming back.  The database was wiped, along with Composers, Arrangers, Genres, etc while using the new companion - 2.5.1.  I was able to restore an automatic backup from 10/1/2016, but that leaves me with a lot of missing items.  The 12/1/2016 automatic backup would not restore, no automatic backup from 1/1/2017.   What is the period for automatic backup/how can that be changed?  Also, in this mess, my manual backup wouldn't restore either!
Bob Williams

Samsung Galaxy View 18"
I'm really sorry you encountered this again. I'm not sure if some devices or PCs are more prone to database corruption than others, but I have still never encountered this myself. It would appear that my error checking wasn't triggered either, which is surprising. The fact that the automatic backup and your own backup wouldn't restore either means there was some serious corruption present in your database file, so it was most likely just a matter of time before something bad occurred. You could also save the database yourself periodically if needed if you enable the "Expose Database" setting in the storage settings and then copy it off your device.

Currently, I keep multiple automatic database backups. The first is just a copy of the current database and is updated every time the application is closed. The second is a copy that is up to a week old. I don't keep any backups beyond that. For most users, they never need either of the automatic backups, so I don't want to keep a huge list of backups automatically.

It is possible to salvage information from a corrupted database, but the amount retrieved depends upon the type of corruption and how extensive it is. If you want me to extract the database from your manual backup and try to fix the file, I can certainly do that, but there is no guarantee that everything will still be present in the database afterward.

Error Checking - I did receive a message that something was wrong with the database, but I didn't capture the message, and I don't remember a choice to not continue.
Database - At this point, I don't trust the database's integrity. Should I start with a new database? Uninstall/Reinstall the program?
Manual Backup - I'm using the manual backup periodically to an external SD card, but it only keeps one version. Perhaps I should rename using the date.
Automatic Backups - I see only two choices of backups to use for restoration - 10/1/2016 and 12/1/2016. Where are the others?
Companion - should I load a down leveled version? If so, any hope for future upgrades?

I have all the song PDF files on the Companion PC, so if the DB is rebuilt, I can load them easily via a thumb drive or the companion.
If it's not a huge undertaking, starting with a new database is a good idea. Uninstalling and reinstalling will accomplish that, as well as going to Settings->Other Settings->Clear Library. As for the backup, I believe it was requested that I use a default name that includes the current date, so I'll have to look into doing that. As for automatic backups, I only keep two backups, as described above, and overwrite them when needed.

Why would you want to use an earlier version of the companion? And when you say hope for future upgrades, what do you mean? I'll keep updating the companion and releasing bug fixes and enhancements as needed. In this case, the corruption problem is one I haven't encountered even once in all the testing I've done over 5 years with around 10 devices. It's very difficult to fix a problem that I can't reproduce. When I created tests to purposefully cause errors, my error handling worked well. If the database is corrupted and the backup is corrupted as well, there is very little than can be done about that unfortunately (the OS deletes the file immediately). It would be really useful if I could figure out if the corruption only occurs when using the companion app, or if it also happens when just using the tablet.

(01-13-2017, 08:11 AM)Zuberman Wrote: If it's not a huge undertaking, starting with a new database is a good idea. Uninstalling and reinstalling will accomplish that, as well as going to Settings->Other Settings->Clear Library.  As for the backup, I believe it was requested that I use a default name that includes the current date, so I'll have to look into doing that. As for automatic backups, I only keep two backups, as described above, and overwrite them when needed.

Why would you want to use an earlier version of the companion? And when you say hope for future upgrades, what do you mean? I'll keep updating the companion and releasing bug fixes and enhancements as needed.  In this case, the corruption problem is one I haven't encountered even once in all the testing I've done over 5 years with around 10 devices.  It's very difficult to fix a problem that I can't reproduce.  When I created tests to purposefully cause errors, my error handling worked well.  If the database is corrupted and the backup is corrupted as well, there is very little than can be done about that unfortunately (the OS deletes the file immediately).  It would be really useful if I could figure out if the corruption only occurs when using the companion app, or if it also happens when just using the tablet.

Mike, Still having problems with new MSP updates causing database problems (latest updates caused the problems to return) so I have settled on MSP version 2.4.6, and getting perfect results.  There seems to be a problem buried in the newer updates, and I understand that finding the cause is difficult.  On this version, it wants to automatically update every time the program is opened, and I close that update.  There is a switch setting under the Help menu, but I cannot get that to stay unchecked.  Is there a special way to save that I do not want Automatic updates?
Bob Williams

Samsung Galaxy View 18"

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