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I use mobilesheets only as a library for my sheet music. Mostly the pdfs are books with several pieces in them. I can only look for the title of the book. Where can I store a list of the pdf's content (by hand), so that the pdf is called up by search of an included title? Example: an existing pdf "Collection". It contains the titles "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn" and "Winter". Where to can I write these four words so that when searching for one of them the pdf "Collection" is called up. Thanks a lot.
to zieh or not to zieh, this is the Quetschn - (W.S.) - playlist
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There is no way to achieve that when searching by title at the moment. Any filter you apply on the collections tab would be used to filter the collections shown based on their names, not on what songs they have inside them. For example, if you are on the collections tab and you search for "Spring", only collections that have "Spring" in their name would be displayed, which makes sense. It would be terribly confusing if it also showed any collection that happens to have a song with "Spring" in the title.
Having said all that, if you search on a different field such as "Artist", then you can apply that filter on the Collections tab, and only collections containing songs with a matching artist will be shown. You could use the Custom field for this, for example, and just duplicate the title in it if that works for what you are trying to do. You could then switch the dropdown to the left of the search field to "Custom" and any text you enter will be compared against the custom fields of the songs in the collections.
One thing I may consider doing is having a separate entry called "Song Title" in that dropdown list. This field would be redundant with "Name" when searching on the Songs tab, but it would be more useful when searching on group tabs. Or if I have separate filters per tab in the future, I could hide the "Name" field when filtering on the Songs tab.
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MSP works with "Song" entries in its database.
You can create separate songs in MSP for every piece in your PDFs.
e.g. "Spring" is pages 2-5, "Summer" is pages 7-11 and so on in file Collection.pdf
You can do that using the tab "Files" of MSPs song editor or by importing the PDF via "CSV Import". "CSV Import" needs a specific CSV file that you prepare in advance. MSPs database fields are filled during import with the values read from the CSV file. Many CSV files have been shared by friendly users in the MSP forum. Just search for "CSVFile" (without the quotes, no blank)
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Thanks, itsme, sounds very useful. I noticed your post about CSV files too!
Greez from Fürth to Nürnberg
to zieh or not to zieh, this is the Quetschn - (W.S.) - playlist
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@sounddiver_ms: die Playlist in deiner Signatur ist klasse. Melde dich doch mal bei mir.