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Mobile Sheets for iOS!
I'm definitely anxious to have the beta ready for users to start testing and really excited to have the cross-platform interoperability. This last week, I was working through more issues with stamps that took a considerable amount of time to figure out and fix. I'm still working through some last remaining issues with the magnifying glass effect while placing stamps and custom stamp support. All of the issues with the annotations definitely pushed things back a bit in terms of when I wanted to be finished. I'll post another update once all of the annotations stuff is wrapped up and then I'm back to testing features that are much simpler/easier.

I used forScore on iOS for several years, then switched to OnSong because I needed ChordPro support, which forScore lacks. There are other decent apps, but at this point I think OnSong is the most "MobileSheets-like" app on iOS, and it works well but is outrageously priced, and lacks basic features like hotlink buttons. I would abandon it in a heartbeat for an iOS version of MobileSheets.

On a related note, over the years I've tried to get the developers of several sheet music display apps, including forScore and OnSong, to work with Mike and come up with a way to at least share setlist files between their apps and MobileSheets. Mike can correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge none of them ever showed any interest. So it will be poetic justice when MobileSheets rockets to #1 on the iOS charts.

Mike, have you considered a price point? Offhand, I think you can charge at least double the Android price. For comparison, OnSong is $50/year for the "premium" version, forScore is $20 up front with a $10/year subscription for "pro" features.
None of the other developers have ever reached out to me, and forScore ignored the one email I sent them. I don't think they have any interest in working with me. I really just wanted to provide a better environment for our users so that they could move between whatever apps they wanted to use, but it is important to acknowledge that trying to support another company's proprietary file types can incur a huge burden over time as you then have to update your software anytime they update their software to stay compatible with their latest changes.

As of right now, I'm thinking that the price of MobileSheets on iOS will be $15, and I will be changing the cost on Google Play and Amazon to match this. I want to make the app as affordable and accessible as possible while still charging enough to keep development going long term. While I could raise the price higher, I also want to be able to advertise that MobileSheets is less expensive than forScore and onSong. I still have a number of features to implement that are currently supported by those apps, so until I support all of the same features, I don't really want to charge more than they do. I also don't want it to be prohibitively expensive for users to purchase the app for multiple OS's. 


I’ve seen the app at a friend of mine, on Android.
I was very enthusiastic and disappointed when I found out it wasn’t available on iOS or IPadOS.
I would like to apply for a beta test.
Mike, what do you need in terms of resources to help you with the iOS version?
A couple of the features of OnSong that I have found useful on several occasions are its ability to project lyrics, and to "scrape" PDFs to text for lyric presentation and/or faster conversion to ChordPro.

That's really great news, I'd be happy to help with the beta testing :-)
(09-06-2022, 03:49 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: I'm definitely anxious to have the beta ready for users to start testing and really excited to have the cross-platform interoperability. This last week, I was working through more issues with stamps that took a considerable amount of time to figure out and fix. I'm still working through some last remaining issues with the magnifying glass effect while placing stamps and custom stamp support. All of the issues with the annotations definitely pushed things back a bit in terms of when I wanted to be finished. I'll post another update once all of the annotations stuff is wrapped up and then I'm back to testing features that are much simpler/easier.


Hey Mike, Im a long time Mobilesheets user on Windows Tablet, and have just upgraded to an ipad for work. Im keen to be a beta testor for the iOS app! Looking forward to it.

I used Mobilesheets on Windows and mainly android for many years. I would be happy to help with the port to iOS and be part of the beta test.

Kind regards!
Thanks for all the offers to help test - I'll certainly include as many people as possible. It's been incredibly tedious working through some of the more difficult bugs with some the annotations options, but I finally wrapped that up and am progressing through testing the remaining features. I'll post an update as soon I've submitted the app through TestFlight.

Hello Dev team,
Any updates on the iOS app please?
There is only one developer - myself Smile As far as updates on things, I had to spend the last several weeks fixing a wide range of issues with the annotations editor. I encountered far more issues than I imagined I would due to significant differences in how iOS handles custom rendering, font measurements and rendering, SVG files, custom UI components, etc. I have resolved all of the issues so far except for one - embedding certain types of annotations in PDFs, and enabling the editing of PDF annotations is not working properly due to issues with the PDF library I'm using. I'm working with the PDF company to resolve those issues though, so hopefully that functionality will all be ready for the beta. After I had posted the last message on the 20th, I had done some more testing and realized that certain settings were not always working properly like drawing highlights behind page content, so that's why I wound up spending a few more days having to address the bugs I found.

I am now going through and fixing UI issues with the song editor, testing out all of the audio playback features, testing MIDI functionality, etc. Most of my previous estimates were based on some of my assumptions about how smoothly the testing would go. Unfortunately, it hasn't really gone smoothly at all, and almost every UI has required additional fixes due to frustrating issues with Apple's UI framework. Here are the list of things I still need to test/fix before the beta can be released:

1) The song editor (including taking pictures with the camera, page order adjustments, rotation, etc)
2) The cropping editor
3) The text editor
4) Testing various chord pro and text files
5) Printing
6) Import/export all custom file formats (.mss, .msf)
7) Library backup/restore
8) Library sync functionality
9) Companion app connectivity
10) Importing through Google Drive and OneDrive (Dropbox is implemented and tested)
11) Metronome
12) Audio playback, tempo adjustment, pitch adjustment
13) Additional testing of the various display and page scaling modes
14) Night mode
15) Smart buttons and link points
16) Bookmarks
17) Quick checkout of all of the various settings on the settings screen
18) Saving/loading library filters
19) Group editor
20) Verify all screens work fine in both portrait and landscape on both iPad Pro and original iPad
21) Song Notes

While that list seems long, it's important to note that many of them don't have very complicated UIs, and non-UI code that was converted from Android usually works without needing too may adjustments. So some things may take very little time to verify and mark off the list, while others like the song editor may take a little more time due to how many different things have to be tested. The annotations editor was by far the largest and most complex thing to finish due to the huge number of UIs, custom UI components, complex rendering code, etc. Now that it is basically finished, things should progress at a more rapid pace. I will post an update by the end of this week indicating where things are at. I know this has taken far longer than I had planned, and I apologize for my far too optimistic estimates. I sound like a broken record, but I truly appreciate everyone's patience and I want to make sure the iOS version is worth the wait.

Thanks a lot really, you are the boss Smile
Hi. I am new to the forum. Is there any ios app?
(09-29-2022, 08:28 PM)shehanrangeeth Wrote: Hi. I am new to the forum. Is there any ios app?

Not yet.  Mike is close to releasing a Beta version for testing. My guess is he is still several months away from a release on the Apple App-Store.  Don't know if he is accepting anymore Beta testers.

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