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MobileSheets v3.3 Released with significant PDF render speed increases - Printable Version

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MobileSheets v3.3 Released with significant PDF render speed increases - Zubersoft - 07-25-2012

After releasing the last update, users reported a couple of errors that I needed to fix immediately. The most significant was the broken page slider. In addition, a user brought to my attention the fact the PDF renderer has gotten much slower. It turns out that I was not using the PDF Max Memory Usage option correctly, and was severely limiting the available memory for the PDF renderer. This option should now work as intended, and the rendering speed is on the order of 10x faster. I also fixed the library list selection so that the selection effects show up again when you tap, and provided three different gray colors for the alternate row color option. Thanks everyone for your patience with the frequent updates. Here is the summary of the changes:

MobileSheets v3.3
- Fixed PDF rendering speed issue related to max memory usage - documents should load much faster
- Fixed error with Page Slider causing no more images to load after seeking to page
- Additional alternate row color selections
- Restored list selection effects