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Insert image into Chordpro ​​file - Printable Version

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Insert image into Chordpro ​​file - Achim Pfeiffer - 03-25-2025

I would like to insert a sheet music image into the Chordpro file.
I'm having trouble following the instructions here.

Unfortunately I didn't find anything here via search.

Where do I need to save the image file on the tablet,
and what would the code for Chordpro be?


RE: Insert image into Chordpro ​​file - Zubersoft - 03-25-2025

I don't support the image directive yet - that's coming soon. I would advise saving the image file in the MobileSheets storage location so that you don't have to use an absolute path for the file. Just be aware that MobileSheets will not automatically back up any images you link to using a ChordPro file. So if you prefer, you could put it in your own folder such as /storage/emulated/0/images.
