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Sync to ownCloud / nextCloud / WebDAV folder
When you feel bored, or have too much free time Smile ... Could you please add sync to ownCloud / nextCloud / WebDAV folder?

Rationale: I prefer my clouds to be under my control.
Also: ownCloud and nextCloud are basically WebDAV with a pre-defined path name.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
It looks like there are open source libraries I can use for WebDAV, so that should be possible. I'll add that to the list.

I have to second that request. With the changes made to the dropbox environment (i.e. only two devices for free accounts), I've moved largely to nextCloud for cloud based storage. Integrating WebDav sync with MobileSheets would be quite nice!

Here is another one who would love to sync to a NextCloudPi server of her own!

Playing classical music on a wind controller hobby-wise - and tired of carrying around tons of paper sheets.  Wink
Any news about the webdav-support? I'd be very happy to see this feature!

Thanks a lot for this wonderful app!!
It's still on the list of things to do. I'm just focused on bug fixes and the annotations rework at the moment. Development should accelerate next year on enhancements such as this.

(09-26-2019, 01:17 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: It's still on the list of things to do. I'm just focused on bug fixes and the annotations rework at the moment. Development should accelerate next year on enhancements such as this.


any news about nextcloud?

+1 for this feature request.

Tablet: Surface Pro 8, 
Other: Strich BT-FP2, USB-MIDI connection to Kurzweil Forte 7
Big Grin 
Nextcloud integration/support would be excelent!! Cool
I also second this feature request.

I bought MobileSheets a few weeks ago and I am currently discovering something new every time I use it :-)
I'm glad I went for Mobilesheets instead of Orpheus

this software is really great.

I was looking for an app for Windows, because I manage all my personal data on an windows file system for years and I do not want to give my data to any cloud (or the NSA).

External access I get via standard WebDAV from my IIS on Windows.

Can you please implement a WebDAV connection for MobileSheets Pro.
Think some other users would like this.

Yes, it's absolutely on my list of things to do. There is going to be an update dedicated to adding more options for import sources, and I planned on adding WebDAV as part of that. Now that the iOS version is nearing completion, I will finally be able to start working on enhancements such as this again.

Thank you Mike,

I find it really great, that you implement for different platforms.
Thus the user is not bound to a specific OS or hardware. Think,m your potential for iOS is really high.
With the backup and restore I am free to change the hardware.

I like Apple and MS, but I do not like to be forced in any cloud in order to keep a system going.

Best regards,

Nice! Great to hear that this feature request is accepted. Big Grin

Do you have any estimate for a release?
(A very broad timeframe would already be great!)
I would like to get it added within the first half of next year, but there are quite a few unknowns, and I'm going to deliver some other promised features first like adjustable half page turns, as I've been promising those for a long time and get many requests for it. Part of it depends on how much bandwidth I have after the iOS version is released. If everything goes well and I can just start focusing on new enhancements, then the likelihood increases that I'll be able to get to this sooner.


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