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Joined: Jun 2023
I've been using mobilesheets for a year or so mainly for use with a live orchestra where we all use tablets to play from. I've come across a recent problem where I uploaded a new piece of music to my onedrive account so I could then import it to mobilesheets but when I go to import within mobilesheets from onedrive the music isn't there, in fact, I only have one piece of music listed whereas before I had a long list of import items to choose from.
I can't work out what has gone wrong here and would appreciate any help!
Many thanks!
Posts: 3
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Joined: Jun 2023
Hi there,
I've been using MobileSheets on my Android for a good 6 months without any problems. I use it for downloading and playing from music pdf's for live concerts where my entire orchestra works from tablets rather than sheet music.
Over the last week, when I've gone to import a PDF into MobileSheets from my onedrive I don't get a list of my entire onedrive as I did before, only one document shows from hundreds listed in my onedrive directory. The root directory only has one folder in it now which is empty and is labeled 'shared with me'. What did I press/do wrong that I can't see my onedrive files anymore?
Many thanks,
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Can you try going to Settings->Storage->Switch OneDrive Account, logging back in to your account, then going to Import->OneDrive to see if that changes anything?
Posts: 3
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Joined: Jun 2023
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the suggestion - I tried that and still get no files when trying to import into mobilesheets.
I thought there might be a problem created by the one and only file I could bring up on import so I deleted that but no change other than mobilesheets reports it can't access the file (I assume that's the file I just deleted).
I just can't bring up the root directory of my one drive anymore. When I select it the only folder available to me within mobilesheets is the 'Shared with me' Folder which is empty anyway.
Opening onedrive out of mobilesheets displays the directory as normal with all my music in it.
Update - I've found a workaround - if I import from the system file browser and then select onedrive, it displays all my folders and I can import from there, but still no directory listing if I import directly choosing onedrive.