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Move from Android to iPad
Hi, I am a long-time user of MobileSheets on Android tablets — literally from the very first version of MS. I have gone through many different tablets over the years, backing up to Dropbox and then restoring to new tablets.

I generally use my iPad for most things (iPad Air 2 with 64 GB), and currently have two Android tablets that I use only for MobileSheets. My database currently has about 1000 songs.

I was thrilled to discover yesterday that Mike had put out an iPad version, so I immediately purchased it from the App Store on my iPad and restored from my Dropbox backup.

I am experiencing some flakiness with the program. Bringing up songs is slower, and page turns sometimes freeze part-way through for a couple of seconds before finishing, and I have (at least) one song that is displaying a blank page, except for the notation I had input on top of the original chord pro. A couple of time the program is just spun endlessly and I’ve had to close it out.

I would like to switch over full-time, but I’m more than a little reluctant until I can resolve these issues. Is my iPad Air 2 underpowered for the software? I’ve been thinking about upgrading my iPad and would do so tomorrow if that would solve this issue. I’d love to be able to switch to iPad for my MobileSheets use full-time. Thanks,

Pete Glaze
Hello Pete,

It's definitely strange that you are seeing that behavior. Can you long press some of those problematic songs, tap Share->Export as .msf and share the .msf file with mike@zubersoft.com? I'd like to test those songs on my iPad and iPad Pro. I don't have an iPad Air to test with though, so I can't speak to the performance on that particular device. I definitely don't see performance issues or have had the application spin endlessly on my iPad Pro. However, there are some chord pro bugs that are being fixed for version 3.8.7, so it's possible you may be encountering those if you see the spinning while changing the text display settings for a particular song.

Hi Mike, One other thing I forgot to ask about: on my Android tablets I’m used to being to pinch to resize songs, whether ChordPros, or PDFs, or from jpgs. That doesn’t seem to work well on my iPad, is that “normal,” at this point in the development of MS on the iPad, or is that symptomatic of the lagging and slowness I’m otherwise experiencing on my iPad Air?


One thing that occurs to me to try — I may go through and compare MS settings between my iPad and Android tablets. Perhaps turning off the page turn animations, and such, may make a difference on the iPad Air.
Hi Mike,

Well, I just realized what happened on the couple of pages that came through, “blank.” I realized there were actually tiny little gray lines in upper left on the page — barely visible. The text had shrunk down to almost microscopic size. On one I was able to pinch and expand back to normal size, but on the other the app locked up with spinning pinwheel when I tried. However, the upshot it that the text is actually there, but shrunk down drastically. I’m not sure how that happened, but it IS there.

You definitely should be able to pinch-zoom any text or chord pro file. That is the same thing as accessing the text display settings under the popup at the top right (tap the A icon) and changing the text size for the entire file (using the "Simple" view). However, the spinning/lock up issue is definitely what I fixed with the upcoming version 3.8.7. I'll try to get this released as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime. We can revisit this once the update is available. It would also be helpful if you can send the .msf file just so I can test it out and verify everything is working as expected.

I sent an email and attached three .msf files. 

Thanks, Pete
Like you, I've been using MS on Android for years, and our tablet farm at church is all Android, with a library of upwards of 4k PDF & ChordPro files. I've been using other apps (forScore, OnSong, etc.) on iPad for years and just dealing with the annoyance of duplicating effort when building setlists for sharing -- so I've been super stoked about the iPadOS version of MS. I do occasionally see the behavior you mentioned where pinch-zoom on a ChordPro is either delayed or jumpy (like, goes from tiny blur to massive font, or vice versa, with a relatively small pinch), but it's pretty rare nowadays. I have found the iPad version to be completely up to snuff for full-time use.

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