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I hope you can help me. Sorry for my bad english.
Until now I had a tablet Samsung A7 (2016). It was possible to control two devices (BeatBuddy and Boss GT-1000) with Midi by loading a new Song in MobileSheets. I work with setlists. It also works with a Mobilephone Samsung Galaxy S7 with MobileSheets on it. The connection ist via Midiinterface Prodipe Midi 1i/10.
Now I bought a new Tablet, the Samsung A8 (SM-X200) and it doesn't work. All Settings I checked are the same. There are very less song where the Midicontrol works with the GT-1000 but I see no difference to other songs. With BeatBuddy there is no song that works.
Is this problem with this tablet A8 known? What can I do?
Thanks for help an greetings
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If you have not done so yet, go to Settings->MIDI Settings->Configure MIDI Connections and test out the connection with each MIDI library (default, Google, high-performance USB). I want to know if the problems are the same with every library, or if one happens to work better for you with that tablet.
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the problem is the same with every library. Or: no library works well.
But there is on strange effekt I now realized: if I go in one song in MIDI - then Midi command - then edit the midi command - then test the midi command: then the gt-1000 reacts: the first time with the correct preset (example: 03-2) - then with the first preset (01-1) - then again with the correct preset - then with the first preset - and so on. Strange. I hope my explanation is understandable. But if i choose a song from a setlist the GT-1000 always show the first preset (01-1). The BeatBuddy shows no reaction.
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That's strange - it sounds like maybe MobileSheets is sending the same MIDI command twice if the GT-1000 always shows the first preset? Would that make sense? The way it works when testing it out should match the way it works when loading a song unless you have configured your songs in a strange way. You can try setting up a MIDI button to send the command too to see if it works differently with that when pressed.
On a side note, are you using the same cable to connect the new tablet that you used with the old tablets? I'm just trying to eliminate some of the differences while testing as it doesn't make sense that it would all work on some tablets but not others unless something is different in the OS itself.
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Your explanation might make sense, but I don't know.
I now set up a MIDI button. Action: send MIDI command - patch select. The effect is: if I press the button the first time the GT shows the correct preset, then the first preset, then the correct preset again and so on. very strange.
I use the same Midi-interface cable. But there is a different adapter cable between, because the USB-connection at the tablet is different. The new tablet has USB-C, the old on has USB-B micro, so I have to use a different adapter.
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Do you have any way of monitoring the MIDI output from your tablet? One way of doing this is to connect to the tablet to your PC over USB, changing the USB connection on the tablet to MIDI (drag down from the top of the screen, tap the option in the status about using the USB connection for file transfers and switch to MIDI), use the Google MIDI library in MobileSheets, connect to the new input/output ports that show up, on and on the PC, you'll need to run an application like MIDI-OX which can monitor MIDI input. This would let you see exactly what MobileSheets is sending when your song is loaded which will help us determine if it truly is sending the patch command twice (which is actually two control change messages followed by a program change message). So if that problem exists, you'd see 6 messages received in MIDI-OX. I can help with this some more if you want.
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Hi Mike,
thanks for help again. I'll check it soon.
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07-04-2023, 12:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 01:21 AM by Pete.)
So I have installed MIDI-OX as you suggested.
It's always the same with every song:
two control change messages followed by a program change message.
I hope you can help me.
I compared it with the messages from the mobile phone of the same song
There are 6 messages too.
The difference is the beginning of every lines.
Tablet A8 beginns always with: 00001A09
Mobile Phone beginns always with: 000019AC
The Rest is the same:
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Can you take a screenshot of the messages for me in MIDI-OX? It would help to see the details of those messages. It would also help if you can take a screenshot of the MIDI tab while editing your song. I want to see how it is configured vs what messages are actually sent when it is loaded.
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07-04-2023, 02:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 02:37 PM by Pete.)
Here is the screenshot from one song in MIDI OX
And this are two screenshots from the tablet from the same song. Chanel 1 (Kanal 1) is the MIDI-command for the BeatBuddy. Kanal 2 for the GT-1000
And here again 4 different songs
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So that all looks correct to me. MobileSheets is sending exactly what you asked it to send when the song is loaded. I see that you are sending different messages out on different channels. Is each channel to a different device? Or are you sending both messages to the beatbuddy on different channels?
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It's for two different devices:
Channel 1 is for the BeatBuddy.
Channel 2 is for the guitar processor GT-1000 from Boss (there are different presets)
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Sorry - I see that you mentioned that in your previous message (it was late when I responded). For testing purposes, can you try deleting the MIDI message for channel 2, only send the channel 1 message, and see if there is any difference in response from the BeatBuddy? MIDI-OX is reporting that MobileSheets is sending correctly, so I'm not sure where the problem lies with the BeatBuddy right now.
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Ok, so I delete one MIDI message:
When there is only ONE Midimessage, in this case channel 1 for the BeatBuddy, there is no reation, no matter how often i try.
When there is only ONE message to channel 2 for the GT-1000 then there is a reaction. But: every second reaction
causes the correct preset, and the next causes the Basis preset (1-1).
But I tested some other things. I created a smart button with a Midicommand to the BeatBuddy on channel 1.
For example the command: "increase the tempo by four bpm". By testing this command only every second time is a reaction. For example the bpm increases from 120 to 124.
1. time: plus 4
2. time: no reaction
3. time: plus 4
and so on
Here the screenshots
And here from MIDIOX. Every click on the smartbutton causes a new line in MIDIOX. You see eight clicks on the button
By the way. with the other tablet (or mobile) it all works correctly.
Have you ever tested your programm with Tablet Samsung Tab A8 ( SM-X200 )?
It is to despair
Thanks for help
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Hallo Mike,
do you have no idea how to help me?