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Import PDF: Title not set (only new Song)
Yesterday I imported a lot of pdf files. For some files the import directory contained mp3 filtes with the same name.
I watched a strange behavior where I'm not shure if I had a wrong setting.

1. Importing PDF with second (equal name) mp3
The PDF was imported and the mp3 found. But there wer additionally imported some mp3 files with other names, where one word of the filename fits.
Example:  Title -> "What is Love" 
When importing, the mp3 "What Is Love" was found but the status screen showed, that other mp3 files with the containing word "Love" were importet.

2. Importing PDF
Some file run correct an the pdf name was setup as title.
Some files showed only "new song" as title after beeing imported. Independent, which option for title recognition I had setup.

Is there something in the files (encoding ...) which can force this behavior?

System: Files on Dropbox
iPad Pro 5. Gen
iOS 17.4.1
Import via dropbox
MobileSheets 3.8.44

Maybe there was an update in between my work - yesterday I saw an message about changelog on 3.8.44.
But the behavior I describes was same before and after showing this message.

If there is a logfile created, I would provide it, if you let me know how Smile

Tx for help

I can't reproduce what you've described. I set up the following test:

1) Uploaded a file called "01 - Stay Awake.pdf" to Dropbox
2) Uploaded an audio file called "01 - Stay Awake.mp3"
3) Uploaded an audio file called "Awake.mp3"
4) Enable the option to "Automatically Add Matching Audio"
5) I imported the PDF off Dropbox and it added the first mp3  but not the second

So it's working exactly like I would expect. I'm going to need you to share example files that cause a problem with mike@zubersoft.com along with any other relevant instructions.

As far as PDF names, it depends on your selection for the Title dropdown on the Import Settings dialog. If it's set to "Guess Title from Filename", then MobileSheets uses the filename of the file but removes underscores and makes a few other changes. If it's set to "Use Filename As Title". MobileSheets will never change the title to something else unless you import just a single file and specify a different title on the Import Settings dialog. The only exception to this is when importing text or chord pro files, as MobileSheets will use the title in the file instead of the filename. File encoding has no influence on any of this behavior.

Could there be a Problem, when having such a filename structure?
1000 Träume weit (Tornero)Anna Maria Zimmermann.pdf
I definitely used the option "Use Filename" but the Song had the title "new Song".

Im getting stupid Smile
That is very strange... That filename seems fine. I'll go through the code and run a few tests to see if I can find anything.

I can reproduce this.
After first import and not title (Ohne Titel), I did the same procedure an took a scrreenvideo.
Maybe you see something, I did on a wrong way:
ScreenVideo and settings

1: Klick on Import
2: Choose Dropbox
3: Navigate to the Song
4: Activate Checkbox
5: Click on OK
6: Set ok to Import Settings (Filename as title)
7: New Song has no title (Ohne Titel)

Update: I could find out the trigger for the problem. 
Settings - Import Settings -> PDF-Metadaten extrahieren
When this is active, the title wouldn't be taken as shown in the dialog preview from the name of the pdf.
I think it could be a little bug Smile

Question: What kind of metadata from pdf-files would be mapped (an to which fields), when activating this option?
In the manual there is no description for the option "PDF-Metadaten extrahieren" (extract pdf metadata).
Is there an information about that setting in deep? Tx

In the link above there is a screenshot too from the settings (because my iPad runs on german) so that you can see, what I mean...
It is true that if you enable the option to extract PDF metadata upon import and the PDF specifies the title in the metadata that this will override the selection to use the filename. That's not a bug though - that's by design. That is also why the option to extract PDF metadata is disabled by default.

As far as the PDF metadata, I support the following values:


Books maps to the album field, authoer mapes to the composer field and subject maps to the genres field.

Tx for information.

Meta: When importing a single pdf, what kind of metadata should I use?
Normally a PDF dont' knows Artist, Album ....
Is the metadata read out of the pdf ore somewhere else?  Here is something I absolutely do not check, how it works.
I'm not shure, if you mean the same meta data as I do.
I use apache pdfbox for working with pdf documents. Here I can set up some kind of meta / document metadata, which would be uses by default pdf-readers.

Tx for more input
I'm not sure what you mean when you ask what kind of metadata you should use - this is entirely based on your own needs and desires for organizing your library. If you enable the option to extract PDF metadata, then yes, the metadata is read out of the PDF. Different tools can embed metadata into the PDF (using xmpDM for example). This has been discussed a bit in other threads:


You can enter the meta manually..

Alternatively,  IF your pdf contains meta data, then you can enable the setting to extract it when the file is Imported. The field names mentioned by Mike are standard names used by different applications.
Note that data can only be extracted if it exists ie you or someone else has added the data to the pdf.

Suggest you enable the option and see what fields, if any, are filled in when you import a file 

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
I had this when importing metadata, at first I was confused but from trial and error, I have found it much better, to be honest, especially if you have the feature turned on, you probably want the title in mobilesheets to match the metadata anyway.

I wrote a script that would take a file name, and based on how it was named it would find the author, tags, and song title then save it to the file's metadata.

Other tools will do it but here is an example of the metadata from a PDF I have. CustomGroup is nice as you can change the name of the tags within MobileSheets (which I just named "Tags" for ease of lookup)

<< /Artist (Journey) /CreationDate (D:20240530110230+00'00') /Creator (Mozilla/5.0 \(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7\) AppleWebKit/537.36 \(KHTML, like Gecko\) Chrome/ Safari/537.36) /CustomGroup (Rhythm) /ModDate (D:20240530110230+00'00') /Title (Dont Stop Believin - RHYTHM) >>
iPad Pro 12.9" 5th Gen
Tx @all for the help an hints.
No I've got it Smile

So with pdfbox, I could write a little batch app to convert > 500 files. Cool.

Further Question: Is it possible, to setup a Midi Command (everytime the same structure but different numbers) via meta data at import?
  • Patch Select; 
  • MSB=meta_value_lsb;
  • LSB (none)
  • Value  = meta_value_pc

I think there is no way to do that, but bevore setting up 500 title manually, I think better ask 

Tx for your help.
At the moment, no, it's not possible to add MIDI commands through PDF metadata.

One more question: 

Now I can import a lot of pdf-files with my included meta data. Works fine.
When I reimport an existing pdf-file, only the optical content is updated, the metadata of the corresponding song will not be updated?

Is that correct?
So when I change score-sheets / pdf and reimport them, my midi settings etc. will also stay an not be resetted?
Also manually changed meta date will stay?

Tx for your help.
That is correct - the metadata of the song will not be modified if you reimport the PDF (at least due to the metadata in the PDF itself). If you update an existing song, the MIDI will not be modified in any way. If you manually change metadata, that will also be unaffected by the reimport.


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