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Performance mode?
My duo partner has Mobilesheets Pro installed on the same Samsung SM-P900 tablet. I was trying to show him how to pinch zoom and and use the transpose and capo features for Cho files, but it would not work. The same file works on my tablet but on his, pinch zooming brings up the message "performance mode". I've now searched this forum and the Android manual and can't find any instance of "performance".

What setting is it we should be changing and where is it, please?
At the bottom right of the library screen, the left icon (a lock) toggles performance mode. When the icon is black performance mode is off, when orange performance mode is on
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen-Windows 11, HP Slate 17-Android 4.4.4, iPad Pro 12.9 gen2-iPadOs16
Yamaha Genos 1, Roland PK-6, Yamaha PSR SX900
(06-13-2024, 11:37 PM)Rey_a Wrote: At the bottom right of the library screen, the left icon (a lock) toggles performance mode. When the icon is black performance mode is off, when orange performance mode is on


I just searched the manual again and found it . I guess I must have mis-spelled Performance before Huh

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