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Crash when importing PDF
The companion app on Windows is crashing every time I try to import (drag/drop) a pdf file. Any ideas on a fix?
Is this with version 4.0.0+ of the companion app, or are you still using 3.2.0? 

It is with the version 4.0.0+ of the companion app.
That's strange - I seem to be able to drag & drop files into the companion app with no issues whatsoever. Is anyone else encountering the same crash with dragging & dropping files?

Davidowens - are you running Windows 10, 11? What variant of Windows (home edition, enterprise, etc)? Does it happen with every PDF you've tried or only a specific one? What about if you drop in an image file? It may be worth completely uninstalling the companion app, downloading it again (https://www.zubersoft.download/MobileShe...panion.exe) and seeing if that resolves the issue. It could be an installation issue.

I have the same Problem. I have the latest version 4.0.4, but still can not batch import PDF documents.
Can you please try uninstalling and reinstalling the companion app? The batch importing works perfectly fine for me with the latest version.

Thank you.

I've had the latest version 4.0.4, but I have uninstalled and installed the companion again. I have still the same problems with the batch importing. There are two possibilties. The connection breaks at all at the beginning, or I can upload files and after than, I get tis message: Error encountered while sending data to tablet: {0}. Reconnect the tablet and try again. After that I see the files on my ipad, but can open them.
If you don't batch import and instead individually import a PDF, does that work? I just want to verify whether this is specific to batch importing in your case, or if there is a bigger problem. Batch importing works fine for me with 4.0.4 with every test I've run, so I need to identify exactly what scenario causes a problem. Is it related to specific files? Are you importing files that already exist in your library? Is the error happening due to a conflict with a new version of a file already in your library? The more information you can provide, the better.


I can import individual files. The batch import does not work either when importing files already in the App or for new files. With previous versions nothing worked, the connection was lost immediately. In this latest version, what happens most often is that I do an import, it looks like it is working, but then at the end of the import it aborts and says no connection. Than I can see the files in the App on the iPad, but I can't open them. Only the local link of the file is written, but there is no file.

If you just limit the batch import to a handful of files that you know import correctly individually, does it then work? I'm trying to understand if the issue is related to the import of specific PDFs causing a failure, or something else entirely. As mentioned, I can't reproduce what you are seeing, but I did fix one issue with updating existing songs in the library with new PDFs when batch importing. 

Thank you for your help. I was always uploading 5 to 6 files at a time, just because it wasn't working right. I tried by inserting into a Collection, which was my first intention, and also without inserting the files in a Collection. I've tried with new files and with older files replacing the uploaded ones. MobileSheets Companion says it loads them, but then immediately disconnects. There is a popup on the iPad saying that the connection has been disconnected. The song titles are in the lists, but when I try to open them the app can't find them and says it can't find the file. The error has been occurring for the last 4 weeks, so far everything has worked fine. Now I don't know how to upload multiple files at the same time. Should I use synchronisation instead?


I've made some changes for the next iOS version of MobileSheets that will improve connectivity with the companion app and speed up batch importing. However, I have no idea if this will resolve the issue for you. I batch imported 560 files this morning with my iPad Pro, and with my fix, it went hundreds of times faster, and completed successfully. I then checked and no files were missing on my iPad. When I did a batch import of 5 files without that change, it still worked fine and I could load all 5 of the files. So it sounds like the problems are much more severe with your setup, but I can't imagine why. 

I think until we can get this resolved for you, you should copy the files to the iPad and batch import them from within MobileSheets. Or batch import from a cloud service like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive. That would get around this limitation in the meantime.

Thank you very much, Mike.

I will see, what happens after the update. As I've said, I haven't the problems in the past. I am sure, it will be managed. Smile
(09-26-2024, 06:21 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: Davidowens - are you running Windows 10, 11? What variant of Windows (home edition, enterprise, etc)? Does it happen with every PDF you've tried or only a specific one? What about if you drop in an image file? It may be worth completely uninstalling the companion app, downloading it again (https://www.zubersoft.download/MobileShe...panion.exe) and seeing if that resolves the issue. It could be an installation issue.


Indeed, it did appear to be an installation issue. The fix of uninstalling and reinstalling from the link provided worked. Thank you!

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