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Embedded PDF links causing errors?

I am having some strange errors pop up while turning through pages of a piece. The error will pop up in the center of the screen and then fade away after a few seconds. It doesn't seem to do this every page or even consistently, but if I tab through a bunch of pages it will happen again. All pages of the PDF open fine and I can see all of the music, it's just this error pops up over the screen for a little bit. 

Background info: I saved the PDF locally on my Samsung S9 FE+ tablet, and imported the file to MobileSheets (IMPORT > Local File). For what it's worth, I do have "Let MobileSheets Manage My Files" checked under storage settings. The errors are like this or similar to this:

"File /home/peter/Noten/SelvaMorale/messacredo_mus.ly:336:16:16" (The piece is the Credo movement of a mass by Monteverdi in the Selva Morale collection)

I'm not familiar with this file structure at all, and it makes me think that the link has something to do with the PDF and not a MobileSheets file/directory issue. The best I can figure out is that it is some kind of link embedded into the PDF by Lilypond/whoever created the file.

I have found 2 workarounds, but both are somewhat time consuming/annoying. 
1) Open the PDF in Adobe, edit file, remove all weblinks (there was 3000+ of them on this 7 page document), resave, import to MobileSheets.
2) Open PDF and re-print it to PDF, save as new name, import to MobileSheets.

Has anybody else has this issue? Is there some way for MobileSheets to ignore these embedded links and not pop up with errors, without having to do my workarounds above? Thanks!
Adding an option to ignore hyperlinks in PDFs is certainly something I want to do. I just haven't had time to add it yet. I'll have to slip it into an update at some point when I can.


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