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Hi, I'm new to the group. I've been using MS for a few months with my Genos1. I read the pdf files of my songs through the recordings, unfortunately I can't figure out how to turn the pages (when there are more than 2). I would like to do it without additional pedals but using the Genos (if possible). I saw that MS accepts many MIDI messages and I was wondering if Genos can send a message for the page change. Thanks.
Hi Roberto, this is how you can do it with Genos2 but it will probably work with Genos1 also. This is from memory so may not use the exact terminology but you should be able to follow what is going on.

I will use the 'Fade' enable button to turn pages which I have assigned to one of the Assignable buttons, but you may be able to find a different button that suits you.

In Genos menu under MIDI there should be a setting somewhere for 'Send SYSEX' data, make sure that is ticked on.

In Mobile sheets go to - Settings - MIDI -Midi Actions and click the + button
In the drop down menu select 'Next page'
Click on the Icon that enable Midi Listening (I think its the last down on the right hand side of the box)

On the Genos press the Fade enable button.

In Mobilesheets a line should appear showing Hex code, tick the box on the left of the code to indicate to Moblesheets that what you want it to look for.
Click on the Save button.
Come out of Mobilesheets settings [there may be a save button - not sure] and select a multi page song to appear, now press the Fade enable button and it should change the page :-)  Dont forget to double press the Fade enable button again to turn off the Fade if not required :-) 

If you want to use a different button you need to adapt the above for your needs.

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