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Suggestions about Search
Hi, I am new to Mobilesheets, and I love it even more as I discover the abilities offered!

I would like to suggest three features that would improve the search function.

a. In "Collection", "Genre", "Source" and "Key", instead of a two state checkbox, a tri-state checkbox could be utilized.
Clicking the checkbox repeatedly cycles through the four options:
  1. "" Show songs with this tag
  2. " ✔ ✔" (or something else like a locket maybe?) The tag must definitely be present
  3. "" The tag must definitely not be present
  4. "" The tag is ignored in filtering
This way, the search list will be populated with a more definite way, more songs will be excluded, it will be very helpful for me.

b. The resulted search song list, could be shown in 2 columns. Each column will include half of the resulted songs.
This way, double the songs will be visible at once, and less scrolling will be needed to choose a song.

c. The chord pro lyrics could be searched as well. Sometimes, I can remember the lyrics but not the title of the song!?

I hope I am making sense, and keep up the good work!

This sounds very complicated and unnecessary.
As far as I can make out, I'd spend all my time changing the tags evey time I wanted to search

The current method is simple and easy to use
1) Display the filter
2) select collection etc (if necessary)
3) type some text into the filter
4) select the item from the reduced list of files (or scroll or use the alphabetic index )

Don't forget that if you know the song starts with a letter R, you can just press the alphabetic index letter.
A long press of that letter will allow you to choose a second letter (and onwards) until the required item is shown on the page.
This method can also be used without displaying the filter.

Re the double columns, some users use very long song names (custom formatting allows one to display meta data in the displayed name)

You've chosen a great program.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6

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