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Page and font size
Thanks so much  for adding abc support.

I have a couple of questions about dimensions and/or page and font size.

First, I'm very glad to see that there is support for setting margins, but the size of units seems to be different. In abcm2ps (EasyABC) and abc2svg (Jef's website) %%leftmargin 14.45cm produces the same indentation from the left, but MobileSheets requires a 45.5cm dimension to produce the same result. I wonder whether this is a bug, or I just need to know what the page dimensions are.

Second, the font size for the chord symbols seems to depend on the number of characters and more.  For example the font for "A" is larger than "Bm" is larger than "Bm7" is larger than "E7/B" (Note: I have %%jazzchord set, so I expect the 7 in E7 to be a little smaller that the E - which appears to be the case). I can live with it, but it does make it hard to read the chords.
I'm just using abc2svg under the covers, however, I set the margins myself right now. I dynamically insert them at the top of a copy of the abc file. So it's possible if you set them below that, you could override them, but I haven't tested that. The units should be the same as abc, but a page scaling factor is applied based on the density of the screen, so that may have an impact on the margins (I don't know how abc2svg handles the relationship between the margins and scaling factor). 

I don't have control over how abc2svg renders chords, so I can't speak to what's happening there. I don't think I observed that with any of the files I tested with. It's helpful to post a file as an example if you are encountering problems.

Thanks for your reply.  (Great to hear that it's abc2svg under the hood). I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but I am using MobileSheets on an iPad. 

I know that abc2svg has had occasional problems when %%jazzchords is set. 
I don't see the font changes on Jef's site - but there are a lot of moving parts, I tried turning %%jazzchords off and now all the chord fonts are the same.  
I'll probably continue using jazzchords and look forward to when Jef does another round of magic.

The margin problem seems more difficult. Margin setting distance does not change with scale changes (dictated by the abc file) on Jef's site. In experimenting with this I tried rotating my iPad and got bad results.  Only part of the tune displayed and scrolling seems to have been disabled.  I've included an example file below.  Should have done that in the first place.

BTW are there any plans for automatically populating MobileSheets metadata from the abc file. (Not necessarily expecting it for Key because MobileSheets key field has only two modes).

Thanks for all the work you've done

So here is an example
%     FONTS
%%font Palatino-Roman
%%headerfont Palatino-Roman 12
%%titlefont Palatino-Roman
%%subtitlefont Palatino-Roman
%%composerfont Palatino-Italic
%%infofont Palatino-Italic
%%textfont Palatino-Roman
%%Partsfont Palatino-Roman box
%%gchordfont Arial 21
%        PAGE
%%titleformat T, T C1 O1 K-1 R-1 P-1
%%titlecaps no
%%writefields QWw 0
%%writefields SDN 0
%%stretchlast 1
%%measurenb 0
%grid2 1
%grid 4
%%jazzchord       1 dim=o dim9=o9 m9b5=ø9 m9-5=ø9 7b9#5=7alt 7#9b5=7alt -=m aug=7#5 maj7=∆7 maj9=∆9 maj11=∆11 maj13=∆13
%%partsbox 1
%staffsep 52
C:Carmen Guérard
S:Pascal Gemme at Jam 2, Souche à Oreilles 2021
S:Pascal Gemme at quebecfolklore.qc.ca
D:[jam session](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGVKGwDYWL0&t=1283s)
D:[Pascal Gemme teaching](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTN-ZQJFwX8)
|: "Em" BAGF E2 GE | DEGE "D" BEGA | "Em(C7)" BAGF EE GE | "(Bm)" DEGE "D"FDFA |
%%vskip 0.5cm
|: "Em" .[EB]2 .[EB]2 [EB] EGA | "D(Bm)" .[EB]2 .[EB]2 [EB] EGA | "C(Em)" [EB]eBA GFGA | "A" .[EB]2 .[EB]2 [EB] EGA|
"Em" .[EB]2 .[EB]2 [EB] EGA | "D(Bm)" .[EB]2 .[EB]2 [EB] EGA | "C" [EB]eBA "D" GFGF |1  "Em" E2 E2 EEGA :|
%%leftmargin 45.2cm
|2 "Em" E8 !fine!|]
%%leftmargin 1.4cm
%%vskip 0.5cm
|: "Em" g2 (3fgf eed2 | "A" e4B3 d | "Em" g2 (3fgf eed2 | "A" e4 e2f2 |
"Em" ggff eed2 | "A" e4B3 B | "D" B2 (3ABA GGF2 |1 "Em" E4 E2f2 :|
%%leftmargin 45.2cm
|2 "Em" E4 E4 |]
%%leftmargin 1.4cm

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