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I wonder how to solve the following scenario:
In my band, I want to to share a song, but I need different versions of the same song for each band member.
(With Capo, without capo, in Bb for the SAX in Eb for the Violine). But I want to open this sheets from my Master Tablet and every Member should see his matching sheet.
Can this be done with MSP. If this is explained in the handout, than I could not find it.
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It's certainly possible if each band member sets up their library independently with the files they need for each song. When the master tablet loads a song, each slave device will look for a song with a matching title. So as long as each band member assigns the same title for their songs, then they can have their own settings and files.
If you want to have every library be identical though, then things get more complicated. You will not be able to accomplish what you are trying to do until I add the song versioning features I have planned for late this year/early next year. Those features are going to include the ability to have multiple versions of a song and you can define a role for each version. There will be a toggle on the main library screen for the current role, so each musician would just have to pick their role to get the versions of the songs they need to use.
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Hi Mike,
a big disadvantage of your process is, that now all band members cannot sync to the same database in the dropbox anymore.
And I, as the Bandleader cannot prepare my Tablet with all new files, sync it to the dropbox and all band members can dowload and have the same state as I am,
because afterwards, they have to rename all their files again
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I've never used master/slave functionality, so I'm not sure I'm talking sense...
Can't you do something with collections? You have a master collection, and group all capo songs in a CAPO selection, all sax songs in a SAX collection, and so on.
So you have [master]MySong, [CAPO]MySong, [SAX]MySong (where [...] denotes the collection).
The sax player will select (filter?) collection SAX, etc..
Now, if you open MySong on the master, MSPro on the sax player will look for MySong and since his tablet is set to collection SAX, it will choose MySong from the SAX collection.
I don't think this will work already, but maybe it is relatively easy to add to MSPro while waiting for the song versions.
But, opening a song is one, what about paging? All variants of a song would need to have the exact same page breaks.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
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I solved this Problem for the moment with a little workaround.
I put all Versions of the song in one PDF-File on different pages. Further on, I put an Info Text on top for each musican to flip to his section.
As long as the song fits to one page, this is ok for me. As long as I don't flip pages on the master tablet the members can flip their pages independently.