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Please help

I replied to your email, but i'm also responding here just in case you check this first:

I'll start with what should happen with the companion app, and then what to do if those steps don't work.

1) Load up the companion app on your computer (should have a blue icon)
2) Load up MobileSheetsPro on the tablet (blue icon) and tap on the three dots at the top right of the screen and tap on "Sync to PC"
3) Make sure you are using Wi-fi, do not try to use USB.
4) The companion app should pop up a window indicating that the tablet wants to connect. Double click on the tablet to connect.
5) Once the tablet connects, you will be able to manage your library. Drag & drop a PDF on the window to import a file.
6) Enter the information in the song editor, then tap OK to finish. The song will be transferred.
7) Close the companion app to disconnect and ensure that the file is available on the tablet.

If #4 or #5 doesn't work, then you may have a firewall on your computer. The first thing you want to do is unblock the MobileSheetsPro companion. Go to Control Panel->Windows Firewall->Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall->check both boxes for MobileSheetsPro companion. If that doesn't work, then disable any anti-virus software you have running (most have firewalls included) or allow ports 16568, 16569 and 8888. If that doesn't work, try rebooting your router (this works for a lot of people with connection problems).

If none of those issues fix the connection problem, let me know.

You stated above that "I cannot pull it in from mobilesheets though, as I cannot find it from the menu in MobileSheets". What did you mean by this? The easiest way to import a file from MobileSheetsPro, is to open it, then go to Import at the top of the screen->Local File->Go to Root/sdcard/<wherever you store your PDFs>, and select the pdfs you want to import from there.

Hopefully we can get you up and running quickly.

Graeme - I think he is using the Galaxy Tab 4, as he wouldn't have been able to install MS Pro on a phone .

Messages In This Thread
Please help - by Splbuilder - 06-19-2015, 11:05 AM
RE: Please help - by DTownSMR - 06-19-2015, 11:46 AM
RE: Please help - by Splbuilder - 06-19-2015, 12:08 PM
RE: Please help - by GraemeJ - 06-19-2015, 12:13 PM
RE: Please help - by Zubersoft - 06-19-2015, 05:02 PM
RE: Please help - by GraemeJ - 06-19-2015, 07:30 PM
RE: Please help - by Zubersoft - 06-20-2015, 02:29 AM

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