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Changing page order does strange things to cropping and annotations
Unfortunately, the way many of the settings are currently saved, they are assigned to a particular page number in a song. If you modify the page order, you are changing what physical page is displayed for a logical page number. As you described above, MS Pro assigned all of the settings to page 2, but when you changed the page order, page 2 is actually page 3 after the change.

Here is the problem with the way things are currently set up. I don't assign settings based upon what page is used from the original document. If I did this, the same annotations, cropping, etc would be used on every for every instance of that page in the page order. This *may* be okay in many cases, but it could also be undesirable in a lot of other scenarios. In a simple case, like what you described above, I could probably write an algorithm to detect that the initial page range was shifted over. But what if the page range was changed to 1, 3-5, 2, 4-5, 2 (just to pick an extreme example), I don't know which page 2 I should be assigning the previous crop/annotations to. If you go in reverse, and change that back to 1-5, do I just drop the crop/annotations assigned to the second 2? These are just examples of why it becomes complicated due to the way I'm handling it.

Having said that, I have two options. The first option would be to try to fix whatever bugs are present with shifting around the page order (as best is possible with the current approach), and come up with ways to handle simple changes to the page order. The second approach would be to scrap the way I currently do things, and instead assign all annotation/crop changes to the page number in the original file instead of the position in the page order. This would simplify much of the logic, and it may even be what some people prefer, as it means if you want the annotations shared between instances of a page, this will happen automatically. I'd like to hear what people think is the best way to do things.


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RE: Changing page order does strange things to cropping and annotations - by Zubersoft - 07-01-2015, 03:02 PM

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