I've followed your directions, and even after entering 50 lines with blanks and 1000's of characters, the tablet is still perfectly responsive with no errors. I have the exact same tablet as you running v4.0.1. Perhaps I need to get the PDF file you are using.
As for copy/paste, if you press and hold, then release on the text annotation, you will see a popup menu with copy/paste options. If you mean copy and paste for sections of text, the Android OS doesn't seem to like me using a floating window very much. I may have to redo the floating text window as a standard control that I hide/show in order to get this to work.
What virtual keyboard are you using with your ASUS? I'm just using the standard virtual keyboard that came with the tablet. Perhaps if you are using a third party virtual keyboard (such as Swype), it may be causing an issue.
I've followed your directions, and even after entering 50 lines with blanks and 1000's of characters, the tablet is still perfectly responsive with no errors. I have the exact same tablet as you running v4.0.1. Perhaps I need to get the PDF file you are using.
As for copy/paste, if you press and hold, then release on the text annotation, you will see a popup menu with copy/paste options. If you mean copy and paste for sections of text, the Android OS doesn't seem to like me using a floating window very much. I may have to redo the floating text window as a standard control that I hide/show in order to get this to work.
What virtual keyboard are you using with your ASUS? I'm just using the standard virtual keyboard that came with the tablet. Perhaps if you are using a third party virtual keyboard (such as Swype), it may be causing an issue.