You are correct - if the page was in the process of rendering but never did, you would see the spinning circle. I didn't realize all you saw was a black screen (a lot of people say black screen when talking about the screen with the progress indicator). The fact that nothing but black is shown is something entirely different. This means either the image that is being generated is all black (which would be extremely unusual), or something is failing while the page is going through the layout phase (the phase where the container object positions each page on the screen). For example, I know that if I provide bogus page size values to the PDF renderer (if I pass a size of -1, -1), a completely black page will be generated. Likewise, if some incorrect values were being used during the layout phase, the page could be shown off the screen and the black background would be the only thing shown. Both of these things shouldn't happen during normal operation, but something must be occurring to cause issues such as the tablet generating low memory warnings (to which my application responds by trying to free up as much as possible by clearing out cached pages and even reducing the number of rendered pages if the warnings are severe).
Based on what you told me, I now realize I've been looking in the wrong place for answers to this problem. I'm really hoping that I can reproduce this problem on my Samsung Note Pro 12.2, as I've never seen it on my Nexus 7, Nexus 10, or Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.
Based on what you told me, I now realize I've been looking in the wrong place for answers to this problem. I'm really hoping that I can reproduce this problem on my Samsung Note Pro 12.2, as I've never seen it on my Nexus 7, Nexus 10, or Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.