I've re-booted the router - even changed it for another - switched the tablets off and on again and also turned off the wi-fi and on again, re-booted the PC, checked the IP address is correct and it still doesn't connect for me.
Whilst I have resigned myself to a manual connection (for some un-resolved reason) I've always been able to connect. I have never been unable to back-up to the PC and it's a bit of a concern for me. I have a back-up on the tablets, but that's hardly what I would call a solution.
Whatever it is, has to be related to either the latest upgrades for MSP and Companion. My money is on the latter, but that's purely a hunch.
Whilst I have resigned myself to a manual connection (for some un-resolved reason) I've always been able to connect. I have never been unable to back-up to the PC and it's a bit of a concern for me. I have a back-up on the tablets, but that's hardly what I would call a solution.
Whatever it is, has to be related to either the latest upgrades for MSP and Companion. My money is on the latter, but that's purely a hunch.
1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1
Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1
Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye