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Using MSPro to catalog physical song albums
That should be pretty easy since you already know your way around csv import.

Just make one dummy file, text or PDF to use for the import and make your csv for that with titles, albums and other data you want like you would for a “real“ PDF. I'm not sure if there is a conflict if there are higher pages numbers if there's only one page in the dummy file, so you may have to transfer the page number to a custom field.

But otherwise you get database entries like you want and the reference to the dummy file can easily be replaced later with an actual scan if needed as well manually or with a reuse of the csv with page numbers for the correct scan. The old dummy entries would have to be deleted manually though in the later case but easily done if the album is categorized correctly.

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RE: Using MSPro to catalog physical song albums - by BRX - 10-09-2016, 11:46 PM

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