I finally had a chance to look into this issue, and it's going to be difficult to solve. Your storage location was set to /storage/emulated/0/Android/... but files in your library point to /storage/sdcard0/Android/...
These paths actually point to the same location on the SD card as they are symbolic links, but there is no way for the Windows 10 version to inherently know this. I'm going to try to add code to handle most of the common symbolic links so that my app will first normalize paths before doing the comparisons to determine if they were in the storage location, but it's not going to be 100% perfect. Some devices may do things oddly, in which case it's possible the check could fail.
I've made the fixes for the next update, tested it out and all the folders were successfully restored. So I believe my fix should work for most cases.
These paths actually point to the same location on the SD card as they are symbolic links, but there is no way for the Windows 10 version to inherently know this. I'm going to try to add code to handle most of the common symbolic links so that my app will first normalize paths before doing the comparisons to determine if they were in the storage location, but it's not going to be 100% perfect. Some devices may do things oddly, in which case it's possible the check could fail.
I've made the fixes for the next update, tested it out and all the folders were successfully restored. So I believe my fix should work for most cases.