Just use a SQL editor like SQLite Studio to run a query against the relevant tables and replace the beginning of every Android file path with the Windows path. The query would basically be as follows:
UPDATE Files SET Path = replace( Path, '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files', 'C:\\MyFolder' ) WHERE Path LIKE '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files%';
Just replace the Android and Windows paths listed as necessary. Then run the same query against the audio files table if you need to update that one as well. You may want to run the same query to replace forward slashes with backward slashes if there are additional folders under the storage location. Windows and MobileSheets may or may not handle those paths correctly if you don't do that. I think the query would just be:
UPDATE Files SET Path = replace(Path, '/', '\\' )
UPDATE Files SET Path = replace( Path, '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files', 'C:\\MyFolder' ) WHERE Path LIKE '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files%';
Just replace the Android and Windows paths listed as necessary. Then run the same query against the audio files table if you need to update that one as well. You may want to run the same query to replace forward slashes with backward slashes if there are additional folders under the storage location. Windows and MobileSheets may or may not handle those paths correctly if you don't do that. I think the query would just be:
UPDATE Files SET Path = replace(Path, '/', '\\' )