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slow Bluetooth pedal page turns with Toshiba Excite 13
(06-24-2013, 09:31 PM)jeffn1 Wrote: When I click on "the little keyboard sign" it just toggles between a larger virtual keyboard and a smaller virtual keyboard. I don't see the option to use a physical keyboard on top.

That's surprising, because I have the same tablet and Android version you do, and I do see the "use physical keyboard" option. Here's how it works for me:

1) go to the MobileSheets options page, and choose "Bluetooth Pedal" from the list; ensure that the "Disable Pedal While Viewing Library" option is NOT checked

2) connect a USB or bluetooth pedal

3) open a field which expects text input (e.g. open a piece in MobileSheets, enter annotations mode, place a text annotation, and tap in the text field)

4) tap the tiny keyboard icon which appears on the left of the notification area, in the bottom right corner of the screen

5) the result is a popup menu; the first line in the popup has the text "Use physical keyboard", and beside that is a slide switch in the "ON" position; slide that to the left so that it reads "OFF", and then the virtual keyboard will be available even though the pedal is still connected

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RE: slow Bluetooth pedal page turns with Toshiba Excite 13 - by smw - 06-25-2013, 03:32 AM

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