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BIG MESS: Almost all songs seemed to be duplicated by Batch Import
Seems to have succeeded, but not 100%. Many of the new songs were Batch Imported and are now in the database and on the tablet.

BUT, some songs were mysteriously skipped, including songs that used to be on the tablet and now are gone, plus new songs that should have been imported.

Keep in mind, I'm selecting an entire folder, so all the files should be processed, and those that are not on the tablet should be imported. Not what happened.

And, yet again, the import process stops on one particular file -- stops EVERY TIME on SAME FILE -- asking to choose an Action. My Import always specifies that the Title is the File name, so how could this file be deemed different? I always say to apply the action (Skip) to all other conflicts, otherwise I might be here all day (well, that's already happened), so I don't know how many more might trigger Action. But again, it's around file 3000, many more that are just as much same file name as this one. Pretty weird, because I find nothing unusual about the PDF. It's just mid-sized 80K and displays fine. AND, Import is supposed to Avoid files of same name, so why does it keep stopping asking for Action on just this one file? I'm confused.

Re-running Batch Import, it still skips the same bunch of PDFs in the folder, they are not in the database but not importing either.

I'm restoring database on tablet to try again.
-- John

Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 (SM-T900) Android 5.1.1

Messages In This Thread
RE: BIG MESS: Almost all songs seemed to be duplicated by Batch Import - by musichawk - 06-19-2017, 04:26 AM

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