07-05-2013, 04:13 AM
One thing I'm going to add is automatic backups of the database in case something like this occurs. As it stands now, you can very quickly and easily export your database by going to Options->Advanced->Export Database. If anything happens to your database, but your PDFs are still in their original location, you can just perform an Import Database to restore your database back to it's previous state. I'm going to make all of this a little more automatic (so that if any serious errors occur, it will use the last known good state), but for now, you can manually take this approach. If you want full control, you can select that you want your database stored on the external part of the SD card (in the advanced options). If you do this, you can manually copy/replace the database under /sdcard/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheets/, but please be careful if you are going to mess around with the database file.