Do you have a mouse scroll wheel? If you scroll it up or down with focus on the list, it should scroll the list up or down. You could also try using the keyboard arrows or page up/page down, but the list has to be focused first. You can get focus on the list multiple ways including using the tab key to move focus between components, or you can click one of the letters in the list with the gray background (which will then zoom out and ask you which letter to jump to). You could also right-click to select, then end selection and the list should still be focused.
If desktop users would prefer that I enable the scrollbars on the library lists, I can certainly do that. It can just partially obscure the audio track icons at the far right side of the list.
If desktop users would prefer that I enable the scrollbars on the library lists, I can certainly do that. It can just partially obscure the audio track icons at the far right side of the list.