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issue with AirTurn Digit III
Hallo Mike,

thank your very much for your fast reply!

I did alredy unpair the Digit III. Every restart of the Digit required to unpair the devices, because it is impossible to repair without this.

A new OS or a greater update has not take place. But I installed McAfee, because this tool I use for all my other devices (PC, Laptop, Mobile, my wifes tablet). After thad my tablet produced a unusual effekt. When the display was going to sleep, sometimes it not waked up again and I need some attempts. I uninstalled the McAfee, but this effekt does not vanish again. (With the installation the hint appeared, it could be possible, the App is not optimizes for this hardware. But I think, this is bullshit, because my mobile is a samsung device too and both devices was produced in 2016 and this effekt only appear on the tablet!)

I alredy tried to remove an entry in the list of Pedal Actions, and when I press a button, Mobilesheets does not respond.

As I just detected, is now the AirTurn Manager availible for Android and I did install it. This App is unable too to find the Digit III. I'm afraid, there is a general problem with the Tablet. I think, it is better to reset it to the factory settings. I will inform you about the result.

Best regards

Messages In This Thread
issue with AirTurn Digit III - by Alfredo - 01-28-2018, 04:13 AM
RE: issue with AirTurn Digit III - by Zubersoft - 01-29-2018, 04:19 AM
RE: issue with AirTurn Digit III - by Alfredo - 01-29-2018, 11:43 PM

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