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progress bar for automatic scrolling
Oh I see, there's a really different way to manage files. The idea is just to get a feeling for the document and the actual position therein.  So there should be no need for technically correct information particularly in big documents. Linking to the amount of pages should be sufficient (at least for my needs).

About the countdown indicator I did not think about really fading out the color. I just thougth about a sort of decent semi transparent colored scroll bar but only the color shows the informaton for scrolling, getting shorter and shorter continously until it runs out/dissapears with start of scroll-action. At this point the entire scroll bar should be monochrome again and the color would appear not until several seconds before the next scrolling. So both functions, scroll bar and countdown indicator, are merged in one display.

In general I would describe the function similar to the behaviour of the LED Methronom, indeed backwards from full to zero and with no recognizable "steps" (just getting smaller in height). So it would behave more as an analog information which is more intuitive. The information should not distract from the main issue -- reading music

Update 23rd May2018:
Another, maybe simpler suggestion for the countdown indicator: If it was more suitable to install an indicator based on the screen height it would be sufficent to have sort of pointer moving along the screenside downwards. Reaching the bottom the next scroll would start.


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RE: progress bar for automatic scrolling - by cloudygit - 04-09-2018, 06:56 AM

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