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Super Basic Question about File Locations and Work Flow
My workflow is also pretty similar. I also manage the files myself.

I came across a few things that might be good to know:

- If you copy all your files into subfolders of the MSP folder, MSP uses relative paths, relative to the MSP folder. That allows copying mobilesheets.db without modification between Android devices and Win10 devices.
- The MSP folder can be on the SD card. Due to Android restrictions it has to be something like /storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files (it depends on the Android version of your device) so that MSP has the required write access. Write access for MSP is also required to restore MSP backups
- You should check if other programs that you are using can work with the files in that location, maybe they can't get write access there. This includes synchronisation tools like FolderSync.

For me it is important
- to have R/W access to my files directly, also with other programs
- to know where my files and folders are, because some scenarios require files to be in the same folder
- that I can copy mobilesheets.db between my Android tablet and my Win10 laptops without modifying it

Alas I had to give up using the SD card for files actively used in MSP because of Android's restrictions.

As a conclusion of the findings above my folder structure looks like this:

On Android:

Let MobileSheets Manage My Files: OFF
Set The MobileSheets Storage Location: /storage/emulated/0/_MobileSheets
Expose Database File: ON


/storage/emulated/0/_MobileSheets/Fkbk0/ - contains complete fakebooks and the according CSV files used in MSP

/storage/emulated/0/_MobileSheets/Songs/Z - contain one file per song scores

and additionally

/storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files - fakebooks and the according CSV files NOT YET used in MSP (they can be imported instantly by CSV import in case I need a song from there)
/storage/sdcard1/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/BAK - recent backups

on Win10

Set The MobileSheets Storage Location: d:\HerbertsGoogleDrive\_MobileSheets


d:\HerbertsGoogleDrive\_MobileSheets\Fkbk0\ - contains complete fakebooks and the according CSV files used in MSP
d:\HerbertsGoogleDrive\_MobileSheets\Songs\Z\ - contain one file per song scores

and additionally

d:\HerbertsGoogleDrive\_MobileSheets\Fkbk1\ - fakebooks and the according CSV files NOT YET used in MSP (they can be imported instantly by CSV import in case I need a song from there)
d:\Backup\MobileSheets_BAK\ - recent backups

I keep the files in the folders Songs, Fkbk0 and Fkbk1 in sync by different means and copy mobilesheets.db whenever needed.
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de


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RE: Super Basic Question about File Locations and Work Flow - by itsme - 10-05-2018, 07:42 AM

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