My Tablet:
Android Version 6.0 (OS SDK v19)
Model: K1001
Running MobileSheetsPro v2.3.8
The tablet is only used for MobileSheetsPro so has plenty of memory free.
Changing the Order of Songs in a Setlist Corrupts the "Crop Positions" in All the Setlist's Songs.
Everything works well until you move a song position in a Setlist.
If you then go into a song in that Setlist and examine the crop positions, the song that shows is NOT the one you selected, it's another song in the Setlist with corrupted crop positions.
However if you scan through to the correct song in the Setlist and correct the crop positions, then ALL the song's crops will get corrupted in the Setlist.
You can't recover from this bug as you can't modify the crop positions manually, it doesn't work!
I have over 650 songs in my library. The backup file size is around 1.2 GBytes.
With so many songs in my library I'm concerned that the backups I create may have these corrupted Setlists.
Android Version 6.0 (OS SDK v19)
Model: K1001
Running MobileSheetsPro v2.3.8
The tablet is only used for MobileSheetsPro so has plenty of memory free.
Changing the Order of Songs in a Setlist Corrupts the "Crop Positions" in All the Setlist's Songs.
Everything works well until you move a song position in a Setlist.
If you then go into a song in that Setlist and examine the crop positions, the song that shows is NOT the one you selected, it's another song in the Setlist with corrupted crop positions.
However if you scan through to the correct song in the Setlist and correct the crop positions, then ALL the song's crops will get corrupted in the Setlist.
You can't recover from this bug as you can't modify the crop positions manually, it doesn't work!
I have over 650 songs in my library. The backup file size is around 1.2 GBytes.
With so many songs in my library I'm concerned that the backups I create may have these corrupted Setlists.