Just for additional info, Restore of both the smaller and the full library appears to work correctly in that all of the songs and the audio files seem to be correctly populated. The option to restore to original file locations appears not to be honoured, however. All PDF and audio files are restored to folders within the com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro folder on my SD card rather than the location they were originally in... I'm guessing that this may be because of Android's restrictions on writing to media?
I deleted the com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro directory on the SD card and used the "Fix Broken Filepaths" tool to locate the missing files, which are in a directory of my own on the SD card. The automatic setting fixed a couple of the missing paths (to two multi-page PDFs) but failed to fix the third. It said no broken filepaths found. However, the "Find Missing Files" tool recognised that the path was incorrect for this final file. Manual replacement in the "Fix Broken Filepaths" tool failed - 0 paths replaced, and the same with Automatic. However, using Automatic and checking "Confirm replacement for each file" did fix the problem, but I had to accept the change for each song that referenced the PDF.
I deleted the com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro directory on the SD card and used the "Fix Broken Filepaths" tool to locate the missing files, which are in a directory of my own on the SD card. The automatic setting fixed a couple of the missing paths (to two multi-page PDFs) but failed to fix the third. It said no broken filepaths found. However, the "Find Missing Files" tool recognised that the path was incorrect for this final file. Manual replacement in the "Fix Broken Filepaths" tool failed - 0 paths replaced, and the same with Automatic. However, using Automatic and checking "Confirm replacement for each file" did fix the problem, but I had to accept the change for each song that referenced the PDF.