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PDF Page Number Customization or Page Number Shift
I appreciate all of the suggestions to use either Collections or Albums for the fake books but in my case, I don't wish to add 1000's of additional individual songs that I may never use to my library and spend a huge amount of time populating the data fields for each song in the fake book to conform to the format I have for the other 800 songs in my library.

But more importantly, if I imported 4000 individual songs into my library or even 1000 and used a Collection or Album as the 2nd place to look when searching for songs that don't appear in my other Collections or the Song List, for a lot of reasons it takes longer and requires more steps than what I do now to search the master index and the 13 individual fake books I have loaded as multi page documents.

So in effect, I have what I want to a certain degree based on me figuring out how to use Page Order to my advantage without cluttering up my library & working countless hours massaging data.

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RE: PDF Page Number Customization or Page Number Shift - by Scherzo - 10-31-2019, 01:37 AM

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