03-09-2020, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the bug report - I'll either have to stop the bookmarks window from showing bookmarks that are inaccessible due to the page range specified by the song or if the bookmark is tapped, stop it from changing to an invalid page. The second option is easier, but the first might be cleaner.
There is no direct connection between PDF bookmarks and songs in MobileSheetsPro. I don't plan on adding a feature where, if you tap on a PDF bookmark that is outside the pages used by the current song that MobileSheetsPro will look for all other songs using the same PDF, figure out which of those songs have a page range that incorporates the PDF page tied to the bookmark and then present a list of options to the user so they can pick which song to load (or if there is only one song, open it). That would be a lot of work for something that I believe very few users would get much use out of. I can certainly write up a feature request to incorporate this in the far future after other higher priority issues get worked, but in the short term, I don't plan on adding this functionality unless a lot of people speak up here about needing/wanting this capability.
There is no direct connection between PDF bookmarks and songs in MobileSheetsPro. I don't plan on adding a feature where, if you tap on a PDF bookmark that is outside the pages used by the current song that MobileSheetsPro will look for all other songs using the same PDF, figure out which of those songs have a page range that incorporates the PDF page tied to the bookmark and then present a list of options to the user so they can pick which song to load (or if there is only one song, open it). That would be a lot of work for something that I believe very few users would get much use out of. I can certainly write up a feature request to incorporate this in the far future after other higher priority issues get worked, but in the short term, I don't plan on adding this functionality unless a lot of people speak up here about needing/wanting this capability.