I've added a feature request in my bug tracking system for a touch/pedal/smart button action to load a random song from the last viewed list on the library screen. Also, don't forget that you can set up a setlist with all of the songs in your library, then change the sort order to "Shuffle" to get a random list. You can reshuffle the list in the overflow menu if needed.
There are already options for quicking loading a song (but not a setlist). If you tap the bottom right corner to bring up the quick action box, long press the right icon and change it to "Find and load song". You can then tap that icon to quickly find another song in the library and load it. That same feature is accessible through the circle at the bottom left corner of the song overlay. You can also use a smart button to load any song in the library. Create a smart button and choose the "Load or Go to Song" action and you will see the option to select the song. If you are in a setlist, you can temporarily add a song to the current setlist in the setlist window by tapping the + icon at the bottom right. You can also tap the "Pause Setlist for Song" icon at the left side of the setlist window to load a song, but once you hit the back button, it will return you back to the setlist. If none of these will work for your needs, I'm going to need more details on what exactly you require. If loading a setlist is critical, then I will have to add a separate action for that, or revamp the current "Find and Load Song" dialog to also include the ability to load a setlist (some kind of toggle would switch between what is being searched for, and I would have to change the name of the action).
As far as changing "song" to "piece" or another variant like "score", that is extremely difficult for me to do. The reason is that the word for "song" is contained in a huge percentage of all of the translated entries used in the application. Every single place where "song" is currently used would have to be changed to be dynamic in terms of what word it looks up and uses (and this is not an easy change to make). This includes all of the user interfaces that have labels with the word song in it. I can certainly look into doing this, but it will require some pretty extensive changes, as whatever I do has to work for all 15 languages the application supports. I also don't know if you swap "song" out for another word in other languages, if the translation still works properly in all sentences.
There are already options for quicking loading a song (but not a setlist). If you tap the bottom right corner to bring up the quick action box, long press the right icon and change it to "Find and load song". You can then tap that icon to quickly find another song in the library and load it. That same feature is accessible through the circle at the bottom left corner of the song overlay. You can also use a smart button to load any song in the library. Create a smart button and choose the "Load or Go to Song" action and you will see the option to select the song. If you are in a setlist, you can temporarily add a song to the current setlist in the setlist window by tapping the + icon at the bottom right. You can also tap the "Pause Setlist for Song" icon at the left side of the setlist window to load a song, but once you hit the back button, it will return you back to the setlist. If none of these will work for your needs, I'm going to need more details on what exactly you require. If loading a setlist is critical, then I will have to add a separate action for that, or revamp the current "Find and Load Song" dialog to also include the ability to load a setlist (some kind of toggle would switch between what is being searched for, and I would have to change the name of the action).
As far as changing "song" to "piece" or another variant like "score", that is extremely difficult for me to do. The reason is that the word for "song" is contained in a huge percentage of all of the translated entries used in the application. Every single place where "song" is currently used would have to be changed to be dynamic in terms of what word it looks up and uses (and this is not an easy change to make). This includes all of the user interfaces that have labels with the word song in it. I can certainly look into doing this, but it will require some pretty extensive changes, as whatever I do has to work for all 15 languages the application supports. I also don't know if you swap "song" out for another word in other languages, if the translation still works properly in all sentences.