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MobileSheets v4.1.2 and MobileSheets Companion 1.5.1 Released
*UPDATE: If you happened to download the companion app this morning and are now experiencing problems with it crashing on startup, you must uninstall it, and redownload it from www.zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/MobileSheetsCompanion.msi . I really apologize for the inconvenience - in my efforts to improve my ability to diagnose and solve bug reports from users, some diagnostic code was left in place that crashes the app. If you have not downloaded the update yet, it is perfectly fine to update now.


In order to fix recent issues that were preventing some users from viewing PDFs properly, I needed to prepare another update. In addition to a large number of bug fixes, I also wanted to introduce a helpful new feature: connecting the companion over USB. I've been wanting to add this capability for some time, but there were number of technical difficulties that prevented it. The main issue is that the Android OS doesn't normally allow data to be sent over USB unless it's related to USB accessories. There is only one exception - when it's used by developers during application development. Google distributes a tool called ADB that has a number of useful features for development, including the ability to send data over USB. I am now packaging ADB with the companion app, and utilizing it to allow USB connections.

If you are interested in using the USB connectivity, there is one caveat - you must enable USB debugging on your device. This is not a setting you normally want to leave on, so only toggle it on while using the companion app, and then toggle it off afterward (Google requires users to do this manually - it cannot be driven by code). In case anyone has any concerns, I am not using ADB for any purpose except to send the same exact data that is sent over Wifi. If you need instructions on how to enable USB debugging, there is an explanation in the Companion App under the help menu (Help->How to Enable USB Debugging).

Another useful feature with this update is the ability to restore library backups from the companion app. Coupled with USB connectivity, this makes it much easier to manage backups solely from the PC, instead of needing to keep them on the tablet. I am really excited to offer both of these features to users finally, and am looking forward to hearing feedback on them.

The full list of changes can be seen below:

MobileSheets v4.1.2
- Added option to connect to companion over USB (Wifi must still be turned on)
- Added ability to restore library backups from the companion app
- The overlay is now properly hidden when performance mode is toggled
- Fixed issues with HP TouchPads not loading songs normally
- Fixed issues with AEON tablets not loading PDFs
- Removed connection profile settings
- Fixed various UI layouts
- Fixed reported crashes

MobileSheetsCompanion v1.5.1
- Added ability to restore library backups from the companion
- Added option to connect to tablet using USB
- Reorganized the menu options
- Added option to enable or disable whether articles are considered while sorting

Thanks again for everyone's patience while I get version 5 ready, and all of the excellent feedback.


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MobileSheets v4.1.2 and MobileSheets Companion 1.5.1 Released - by Zubersoft - 10-29-2013, 03:15 AM

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