01-30-2021, 11:10 PM
One question that pops immediately to mind is what version of MuseScore are you using and how do you deal with changes between versions if the mscz was created in say, MuseScore 2.0 and you are trying to transpose it in MuseScore 3.0, 3.5 or 3.6 which have Automatic Placement or the latest version 3.6 with a whole different layout option and new fonts.
If you don't set preferences to automatically accept the changes, it is an extra step to select them and if if you do, you might have a jumbled score to try and read from which adds more time to the process.
If you don't set preferences to automatically accept the changes, it is an extra step to select them and if if you do, you might have a jumbled score to try and read from which adds more time to the process.